Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the KELLY family! =)

This session couldn't have gone smoother...I photographed the Kelly Family a couple of years ago, so they were already comfortable with me, and expecting stupid jokes =) This session I had the pleasure of meeting "Grandpa" which was great because he's a really funny guy! At one point he had me looking for my keys (he had them in his pocket, and yes, I'm notorious for leaving them in the door!) I'm sure at times they wish I'd do less talking and more picture taking, but this family is just fun to be around! Besides, I took a ton of pictures as usual, I just talked A LOT while I was taking them =) This pic is actually the VERY last picture I took...I held the camera over my head being the goofball that I am, and it actually ended up being a great pic! =) Sorry it took me SO long to post this on the blog...your pics will be in soon!

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